Friday, December 30, 2011

More shopping

Well, the veganization of my kitchen continues. This time it was a quick trip to Whole Foods for some essentials to get me started.

Had to get stick "butter" in case I had the urge to bake this weekend (who am I kidding, of course I'll have to bake something). Everything I've read so far points me to Earth Balance vegan "butter", so Earth Balance it was.

I live on yogurt, so I had to get some of that as well. I was pleased that Silk makes a soy yogurt, as I'm happy with their soy milk. I'm also happy to not have to say goodbye to my daily yogurt fruit smoothies!

Creamer was another 'must have', since I'm a true-blue, die-hard coffee person. The So Delicious line of "dairy-free yet dairy-like" products has so many other basics, this is just the beginning. I've read rave reviews about their ice cream made with coconut milk. Will have to try it!!

And last but not least, the baggie from the bulk section has nutritional yeast. I must admit I had NO earthly idea what to expect from this. I have read about a cheesiness and tanginess to it, and after my first ever taste of it I have to say I think I can live with it. The cheesy-ish flavor was more of an aftertaste for me.  The first note I got wasn't "cheesy". It was more of an "earthy, nutty" sort of flavor. I like the texture and the way it sort of melts in your mouth (I got the large flakes so it took a few seconds, I'm guessing longer than if I'd gotten the powder form). But I can see this topping my beloved green beans or asparagus, among other uses. Yum.

There's a lot of reading of ingredients lists that I'm having to do at this point, just to make sure things like honey, sugar, incarnations of whey milk solids, casein, etc aren't present. But of course, once I get my brands and items picked out it'll be just a quick reach for what I want.

I sure wish everything vegan had this symbol - it would make it way easier to select things!

It so helps to see this symbol on things!

Awesome, fun trip to Whole Foods.

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